How Your Skin Changes During Menopause
For all women, menopause is an incredibly complicated process. When your hormones change, your body starts changing: hot flushes, night sweats, dryness, mood swings, hair growth, hair loss, acne, insomnia, and more. But did you know that menopause significantly affects your skin?
The reason that menopause affects the skin is because women need oestrogen to stimulate skin-smoothing collagen and oils. When menopause approaches, oestrogen levels decrease, resulting in dryness and sagging of the skin, acne, and fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, with testosterone no longer masked in the women’s body, some women may develop unwanted hair growth, particularly facial hair.
Tips for Better Skin During and After Menopause:
Don’t let Menopause control you. Stay in control of your body and be proactive
Find out more about how menopause and how you can redefine skin ageing along with other services available at ElysiPhi.
At ElysiPhi our Nurse Practitioner Marie is trained and experienced to recognise and manage menopausal skin changes.
She is also able to advise on lifestyle management for menopausal women including:
- Physical exercise
- Dietary Intervention
- Stress Management Mental Well-being
- Smoking Cessation
- Maintaining healthy relationships
- Options to control symptoms
ElysiPhi does advise: if you are experiencing symptoms of menopause, you should engage early with your General Practitioner, as many symptoms can be managed easily
Breakthrough innovation Emepelle® is the only skincare line available which addresses collagen loss and skin ageing caused by menopause to rejuvenate, restore and re balance skin affected by menopause.
At ElysiPhi we offer Emepelle along with in-clinic treatments to restore loss volume and rejuvenate menopausal skin conditions.
Book your skin consultation at ElysiPhi to find out more about how we can support you and how you can redefine skin ageing with Emepelle®.
Booking Link
ElysiPhi Aesthetics Ltd
ElysiPhi Medical, 17 Market Street, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire PE12 9DD
Reception: 01406 709495
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